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Limitless Crypto Exchange

Best cryptocurrency exchanger 2025

Exchange in Telegram bot
You send
All fees included
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Why choose us?

Best rates
24/7 support
Extra fast transaction
No registration
Low limit on exchange
A wide selection of coins

Recent exchange

How it works

Pick and Provide
Simply choose the cryptocurrencies you want to exchange and provide the details. We give you an estimate in a fraction of a second.
Confirm and send
Check the details once again and confirm the transaction. Send the funds to the deposit address.
Relax and receive
Relax a bit while we process the transaction. CoinCraddle finds the best rate for the exchange, quickly converts your crypto and sends it safely to your wallet address in a few minutes.

Earn with CoinCraddle

Affiliate program

Join our affiliate program and start earning up to 50% of the CoinCraddle commission from each user you refer.


Integrate our API and you will be able to use our exchange system and set up your fee.


With our cashback system, your exchanges will become even more profitable!

To learn more

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Frequently Asked Questions About CoinCraddle

Is it necessary to sign up on the website to make an exchange?
How long it takes to exchange my crypto?
I have transferred my funds to the platform but haven't received anything in return?
I paid less than the amount of money indicated in the applictaion form. What should I do?
Is your rate fixed?
Do you have an affiliate program?
What should I do if the exchange is stuck?
Where can I check the status of the order?
Can I cancel an exchange?
Can I change the details in the order if I made a mistake?